Our 2020/21 season came to an end with our final rehearsal on Tuesday May 27th. It’s been a very strange year, as we’ve been unable to meet physically, but fortunately we have managed to keep active through weekly video rehearsals and Zoom sessions. A big vote of thanks must go to our musical director John Dexter for facilitating this by recording a series of rehearsal videos each week throughout the year for members to follow at home on Tuesday evenings. We are still unsure of the situation in September but we are hoping to be able to get together again in some form for our weekly rehearsals every Tuesday evening in the Lutherhaus, Adelaide Road, Dublin 2.
As a memento of our rehearsals in lockdown some of the choir members remotely recorded one of the pieces that we worked on over the last term, ‘Cantique de Jean Racine’ by Fauré. Each member recorded themselves at home, the individual recordings then being mixed with a keyboard accompaniment (played by John Dexter) and a solo cello (played by John’s son Patrick) to produce the composite performance. You can see and hear the result at https://youtu.be/ZPbH9ON_tCQ.